What To Do If Your Child is Injured in a Car Accident
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
Anytime that your child is injured in a car accident, you will experience a feeling of absolute dread. When the accident causes severe injuries, you need to take steps to help take care of your child. By allowing our Norfolk, Virginia injury attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman to represent you, we can help get you compensation for the other driver's negligence.
In this video, one of our attorneys, Stuart Nachman, discusses a case where he represented a little girl that suffered a brain injury from a car accident. He describes the imperative steps required for such a difficult case and how financial restitution helped get her the car long-term care that she needed.
If you or a family member has suffered because of a car accident, please don't hesitate to contact our Norfolk attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman today. Call us anytime at (800) 361-0430.