When you have a teenage driver that is getting ready to start driving either with their learner's permit or their driver's license, it is an imperative time to ensure that your driver will be practicing the utmost in safety. Our Newport News car accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman want to see the teens of our community practice safe driving and are happy to offer some safety tips for you and your teens. To contact our attorneys for advice or any type of information, please call us at (800) 361-0430.
Teen Driving Safety Tips
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among teenagers, aged 15-20. With this kind of a terrifying statistic, it is vital to teach your teens safe practices when behind the wheel, including the following:
- Wear your seatbelts, always! -- according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 55% of all the teens (13-19) that died in a car crash in 2012 weren't wearing their seatbelts
- Don't drive distracted -- this means more than just putting down cell phones; avoid eating, drinking, grooming, and being distracted by your passengers or loud music in your vehicle
- Limit the number of passengers in your vehicle -- in Virginia, there are several regulations about the quantities and times you can have people in your vehicle. For specifics about these laws, please visit the Virginia DMV teen driving restrictions page.
- Obey speed limits and traffic signals
- Don't drink and drive
- Avoid driving at night -- In 2009, 17% of teenagers' fatalities occurred between 9 p.m. and midnight and 26% occurred between midnight and 6:00 a.m.
- Make sure that your teen has a safe and reliable vehicle
Safe Teen Driving Begins with Safe Adult Driving
Our teenagers are looking to us for a reliable and safe example on how to drive. While they may feel that driving equals freedom and a chance for fun with their friends, as parents, we have to engrain in them that there are huge dangers and responsibilities associated with driving. We also have to show them how to properly drive, which means wearing our seatbelts, avoiding distractions, and obeying the speed limit.
For more information about teen safety, please view this video of our Roanoke, Virginia attorney, Paul Hernandez discussing important safety tips and a few terrifying driving statistics.
To speak with Kalfus & Nachman, please call us at (800) 361-0430.