Social Security Disability Attorney

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

You should be able to begin collecting Social Security benefits after you have retired, especially if you have paid into it since the beginning of your work life. If you have worked long enough and become injured or ill to the point you cannot continue working, it seems fair to begin drawing on your social security benefits. This is referred to as Social Security Disability benefits.

Disability is defined as the inability to continue to perform substantial gainful activity due to physical or mental impairment that lasts, or will last, at least one year, or has the possibility of resulting in death. The Social Security listing book contains dozens of problems that may keep you from performing your job, including but not limited to:

Physical Impairments

Mental Impairments

Pain Impairments

If you file to claim Social Security Disability yourself, but are denied your claim, do not despair. The filing process can be long, complicated and difficult to understand. An attorney with experience in filing Social Security Disability claims can help you understand what you need to do to have your claim accepted.

If you are in the Norfolk, Roanoke, or Newport News, Virginia area and need experienced Social Security Disability Attorneys, please contact the offices of Kalfus & Nachman for an initial consultation.