Birth Injuries

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

One of the greatest fears when heading into the hospital to deliver your baby is the fear that something could go wrong during the birth. The process of labor and delivery is highly complicated and extremely unpredictable. Placing your trust in the medical professionals that will be aiding in your child's delivery can be concerning because medical malpractice may occur in several situations.

During a birth, medical professionals may have to make split-second decisions and must be cautious not to ignore important warning signs. Sometimes, missing these warning signs can lead to birth injuries, in particular those that harm the child's brain.

Kalfus and Nachman is honored to have an attorney appointed by the Governor of Virginia to the Board of Directors of the Virginia Birth Related Neurological Injury Compensation Program.

If you have been victim to medical malpractice that led to your child's birth injury, please allow our experienced Virginia birth injury attorneys to help. At Kalfus & Nachman we have a large team that combines our experiences to provide you with exceptional service while we fight for what your deserve. Call us today at (800) 361-0430.

Causes of Birth Injuries

The most serious types of birth injuries are those that affect your child's brain. A lack of oxygen during delivery (hypoxia), or bleeding within the skull or brain is usually what causes birth injuries and often results in irreversible brain damage.

  • A shortage of oxygen can be caused by a number of things including the following:
  • Unusual birth position
  • The placenta separating from the uterus wall too early
  • A problem with circulation in the umbilical cord
  • Labor that is too long or too short

Most medical malpractice claims that stem from this kind of injury allege that doctors or medical professionals failed to anticipate, recognize, or react to these dangerous scenarios.
Use of excessive force, failure to properly anticipate the size of the child, and failure to order a C-section are other factors that can lead to birth injuries.

Types of Birth Injuries

Some of the common types of birth injuries are:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Brachial plexus injuries - Erb's Palsy, Kumpke's Palsy, and Horner's Syndrome
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Fractures
  • Bleeding
  • Spinal cord trauma
  • Cranial nerve trauma
  • Paralysis

Because many birth injuries can have permanent effects, our birth injury attorneys strive to make sure you are compensated for the lifetime care costs associated with the injury. If you suspect your child may have suffered injury as a result of medical negligence during labor or delivery, please contact Kalfus & Nachman.
Our medical malpractice lawyers will help you find out the truth about your child's injury and work hard to get you fair compensation. We serve patients in Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, Roanoke, and Virginia Beach, Virginia. Call us today for your free personal confidential consultation.