Admiralty Attorneys

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Cruise Line Accident Lawyer

Cruise Line Accidents in Virginia

Currently there are 11 cruises scheduled to leave the Half Moon in Norfolk, Virginia this year.

Cruises are meant to be a relaxing, fun-filled affair. There are also numerous cruises leaving daily from the Baltimore Port in Baltimore, Maryland. The Port of Baltimore is a converted 65,000-square-foot warehouse, over 300 years old. Even though the cities are seeing huge increases in tourism dollars, passenger safety does not seem to have increased with popularity and revenue. Personal injuries, illnesses and even wrongful death due to poor safety and sanitation practices on cruise ships are sadly prevalent.

If your dream vacation has turned into a nightmare, the admiralty attorneys in Virginia at Kalfus & Nachman have the experience and resources to help you navigate the rough waters of maritime law and recover the financial compensation you deserve.

Cruise Injury Causes

Most cruise ship injuries are preventable and are the result of negligence, however instances of physical assault—including rape—also occur with startling frequency. Among the most common causes of cruise injuries are:

  • Assault/battery/sexual assault
  • Faulty equipment
  • Food-borne illnesses
  • Improperly trained crew
  • Inadequate maintenance
  • Lack of security
  • Mechanical failure
  • Medical malpractice
  • Offshore excursion accidents
  • Pool/recreation area accidents
  • Poor sanitation
  • Shipboard emergencies (fires, collisions, etc.)
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Weather-related accidents

These circumstances can contribute to serious—and sometimes deadly—injuries and illnesses including broken bones, burns, drowning, food poisoning, viral exposure and other conditions.

Click here to learn more about What to Do if you are Injured on a Cruise Ship.

The Fine Print

Passengers have a right to expect a reasonably safe environment on a cruise, including properly prepared food, warnings about potential on-board dangers such as slippery surfaces, and adequate security measures. Cruise lines, however, are often less than passenger-friendly when it comes to attempting to limit their liability.

Cruise line operators use a number of nefarious tactics to prevent passengers from pursuing legal action should they suffer harm due to negligence. Many of these measures are contained in the tiny print of the so-called “contract of carriage,” which is most often printed on the back of passengers’ tickets.

If you were injured or a loved one suffered wrongful death on a cruise, time is of the essence. Most cruise lines stipulate that any illness or injury be reported within six months and impose a one-year limit on filing a claim, time periods that are often less than the statutes of limitations allowed under maritime law.

Additionally, a majority of cruise lines designate where injured passengers wishing to pursue legal action must file lawsuits; this is most often the port of embarkation for a particular cruise or the main port of a cruise line. For example, if you’re from Virginia, depart on a cruise from Florida and suffer an injury while the ship is in Mexican waters, you may have to file your claim in California if that is the cruise line’s primary port.

Many passengers who have legitimate claims against cruise lines choose not to pursue legal action because the companies have made it so difficult for them to garner the financial compensation they deserve and need to recover from their injuries. The experienced maritime lawyers in Virginia at Kalfus & Nachman understand the evasive techniques employed by cruise lines and their insurance companies, and we have successfully represented numerous Virginia cruise ship accident victims and their families.

If you’ve been harmed or a loved one suffered wrongful death due to a cruise line accident, please contact the Virginia cruise line accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman to schedule your free consultation.