Dog & Animal Attack Injuries

An animal attack is a terrifying experience, even for animal lovers. Aside from the physical injuries, the mental trauma can live on in the victim’s memory, sometimes changing their behavior towards animals completely, and making it difficult to lead a normal life because of a heightened sense of fear. Failure of animal owners to ensure the safety of others by controlling their animals is a form of negligence for which you may be entitled to make a claim for negligence.
Most Aggressive Dog Breeds
- Pit Bulls
- Rottweilers
- Dobermans
- German Shepherds
- Siberian Huskies
- Malamutes
- Bull Terriers
- Bulldogs
- Wolf-dog hybrids
- Chow-Chows
- Great Danes
If you or a loved one has been attacked and bitten by a dog, please contact the personal injury attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman immediately.
Sudden Trauma
Imagine that you are taking a walk with a friend or family member when, out of nowhere, a dog leaps at you and begins to savagely bite you. Even worse, think what would happen if your child was overpowered by a fierce dog and you were unable to prevent serious injury. Sadly, this is a common occurrence, and hospitals often see the horrific injuries caused by dog and animal attacks. Of course, the real culprits here are animal owners who fail to take reasonable precautions to prevent their animals from attacking others.
The statistics for dog attacks in the United States are quite alarming:
- Approximately 1 million dog bite incidents every year
- Approximately 2% of the population has suffered a dog bite injury
- Most dog bite victims are children
- 77% of dog bite injuries to children involve damage to the face
- Most dog bite cases involve chained or confined dogs, not strays
How to Protect Yourself
If a dog or other animal has bitten you, you may have sustained considerable pain and disfigurement. Medical expenses can leave you feeling even more traumatized. You may never fully recover from the psychological effects of the event, and this may interfere with your ability to carry out your job or enjoy activities that may bring you into contact with animals. The emotional and financial impact of your injuries may be difficult as well, and you might feel inadequate to pursue a case against the negligent party.
You need expert help to get the compensation you deserve. Kalfus & Nachman, Attorneys at Law are personal injury attorneys with years of experience in helping animal attack victims in Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, Roanoke, and Virginia Beach, Virginia. They’ll make the claims process easier and less stressful, and take on the burden of your case while you concentrate on getting your life back to normal. Fight for your rights! With Kalfus & Nachman on your side, you’ll face a brighter future. Please contact us today. “Tell Them You Mean Business.” Call us at (800) 361-0430.