Blogs From Kalfus and Nachman

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

March 9th, 2015

Great information this month on "Spring Forward Safely" in this month's "K&N Scoop Newsletter". Check your mailboxes.

Posted in
March 2nd, 2015

Even as the court battle continues and congress is calling for more rigorous testing for the modified ET-Plus Guardrails, VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) solicited bids for contractors to identify and replace the troubled guardrail in Virginia. The bid was open from October through March and on, a VDOT spokeswoman said “Even if a contract for the work is awarded, though, it is not clear if the guardrails will be removed”.

"Execution of the...

February 18th, 2015

Over 4 inches of snow has fallen here in Hampton Roads, and the kids are home. They are outside playing in the snow and to your surprise a child is being towed behind a vehicle on a sled. Yesterday, I witnessed this happening in my Churchland Neighborhood. I immediately contacted local officials, so that they could warn the parents of the dangers of children being towed on sleds behind vehicles. Later on in the day, as we drove out to Lowe’s I...

February 9th, 2015

The accident was a chain reaction that left one woman dead and 5 children and two adults hospitalized with injuries. The weather was sunny and bright on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, CA when a Toyota came to a sudden stop. The white Lexus following behind slammed into the Toyota, Jenner driving a Cadillac Escalade pulling a trailer, hit the Lexus and knocked it into oncoming traffic. The Lexus was then struck head on by Hummer, and killed....

February 5th, 2015

This week is Burn Awareness Week 2015. It provides a platform for burn, fire and life safety educators to build awareness in community on preventing burns. Over 4,000 Americans are killed by fires a year and another 25,000 are hospitalized in burn centers. The ABA Burn Prevention Committee has identified to at-risk groups for burns, young children and the elderly. Please take time to view some of the materials available at on how to stay safe.

If you or a loved one have been injured by the negligence of another, please give us...

February 4th, 2015

On Yesterday, a horrific accident occurred during rush hour outside of New York City at a Metro-North Grade Crossing in Valhalla. According to an MTA spokesman, an SUV-Jeep was stopped at the tracks, and the gates came down on the Jeep, which was shoved about 10 car lengths by the train, Donovan said. Six people were killed, and 15 have been injured, this is the deadliest crash in Metro North’s History of operation.

Here locally in Hampton Roads we have...

January 21st, 2015

The Law Firm of Kalfus & Nachman is kicking off its 1st annual Safe Ride Home Program. The program offers FREE rides from any restaurant or bar to home for the "Big Game" from kick off to midnight to help fans celebrate the safely. Just call Norfolk Black and White Cab at 757-855-4444 and say...

Posted in
January 18th, 2015


January 15th, 2015

A Texas Department of Criminal Justice Bus hits black ice and skids into the path of a passing train. The bus was traveling on Interstate 20 on an overpass, during inclement weather, and lost control. Immediate reports shared there were at least 10 fatalities (8 prisoners and 2 Correctional Officers). Five of the occupants on the bus were taken to a nearby hospital for medical care. The occupants of the bus included 12 prisoners and three correction officers headed to Sanchez Prison in El...

December 17th, 2014

Are you the child of senior parents how are still driving around town locally? Just two years ago, my 75 year old mother and her girlfriend from church wanted to drive from Roosevelt, NY to Norfolk VA, alone. My siblings and I were on pins and needles. My mother is an excellent driver but there are physical changes occurring naturally with age, and they impact her ability to respond while driving. She has driven this route many times, but now she is much older. Her ability to respond and react to hazards are a huge concern for us....

Posted in
December 5th, 2014


Posted in
December 2nd, 2014

Kudos to Virginia Drivers and drivers passing through the state over the holiday weekend, the Virginia State Police reported the smallest number of Thanksgiving weekend traffic fatalities in more than two decades. There were safety tips posted on the internet from the AutomobileClub of America and the Virginia State Police encouraging everyone to drive safely. NHTSA implemented a campaign from November 28, 2024 – December 9, 2024 focused on Pre-Holiday Season Drunk Driving Prevention; “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving”....

November 18th, 2014

We have all heard of counterfeit purses, jewelry and clothing; but have you heard of counterfeit tires. What is a counterfeit tire and who is making them? They are coming to the US via a Chinese brand and your local tire shop maybe selling them.

The tires are showing very poor ratings in Consumer Reports for winter and wet traction, based on their investigation. The tires are showing up around the country, as American Pacific Industries Products. The codes on Consumer...