The First Nine Months of 2009 Reports indicate Fatal Motorcycle Accidents down 9%
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
In today's headlines, April 22, 2010, The Governors Highway Safety Association reported that fatal accidents involving motorcycles in the US, were down over 9% the first three months of 2009. There are several theories floating around on why there has been such a huge decline. News reporting agencies attribute the decline to a decrease in weekend bikers and baby-boomer motorcycle enthusiast. Some are also attributing the decline to lower fuel prices, which in 2008 motorcycles were an option to save money on commuting to and from work. Another factor, The government has also increased funding to educate riders on safety and training.
- The NHTSA reported that 41 percent of motorcyclists and 51 percent of their passengers who died were not wearing helmets.
- Thirty percent of fatalities involved riders whose blood alcohol level was above the .08 legal limit, NHTSA said, and 35 percent of them were speeding.
Safety experts reiterate that from 1980 to 1997 motorcycle fatalities dropped nearly 60%, but the trend quickly shifted.