Propane Explosion Leads to Serious Burns for Young Woman

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

As we go to work, we may understand how the dangers that surround us on an everyday basis that we have to protect ourselves from. But no one can predict catastrophic events that come out of nowhere.

Such is the case of one young woman, a client of ours that worked at a motel as a housekeeper. She had no idea that while she was folding laundry one day that a propane truck would cause an explosion and leave her severely burned.

A faulty flange on the truck allowed gas to leak out and cause an explosion. But how were we going to be able to help her? As personal injury attorneys, we’ve seen a lot of different types of accidents but had never dealt with propane issues before. This is where our dedication to our clients really takes hold. We set out to learn everything we could about propane, the trucks that carry it, and how this accident could have possibly happened. We pride ourselves in investigating each case with the utmost persistence and dedication because we know our clients are looking for the best possible people to represent them and get them the best results for their lawsuit. Watch the video now to learn more.

To learn more about personal injury law, I encourage you to watch the video above and to explore our educational website at If you have legal questions, I want you to call me at (800) 800-9797. I welcome your call.

Kalfus & Nachman

(800) 487-8546

Offices in Norfolk, Newport News and Roanoke Virginia. Also serving Northeastern North Carolina.

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