Don’t tow your sleigh It’s the Law!
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
Over 4 inches of snow has fallen here in Hampton Roads, and the kids are home. They are outside playing in the snow and to your surprise a child is being towed behind a vehicle on a sled. Yesterday, I witnessed this happening in my Churchland Neighborhood. I immediately contacted local officials, so that they could warn the parents of the dangers of children being towed on sleds behind vehicles. Later on in the day, as we drove out to Lowe’s I witnessed adults being pulled in an inner tube on an icy residential street in Portsmouth.
This is a reckless behavior and endangers someone’s life and could end in death. If the vehicle makes a sudden stop or turn, the person on the sleigh could be thrown from the sleigh, or the rope could become tangled around person. Please remember safety first, this is an unlawful act here in Hampton Roads and could land you in jail.
Last month in Colorado Springs, a man was on a makeshift sled made with a metal bedframe and a rubber mat; that slammed into a parked car. The 33-year-old man later died as a result of his injuries he sustained in the crash. These injuries he sustained were brain swelling caused by head injuries and chest injuries caused by CPR.
The driver of the SUV is facing criminal charge along with the passenger in the car.
Another incident occurred in the same month resulting a 15-year-old girl, sustaining severe injuries. The car towing her sleigh was traveling 35 mph.
If you have been seriously injured, or if your family member has been killed in an accident anywhere in Virginia or Northeast NC, please contact Kalfus & Nachman today or call (800) 361-0430 for a free consultation. We have offices in Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia.