Few fatalities this past holiday weekend in VA

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Kudos to Virginia Drivers and drivers passing through the state over the holiday weekend, the Virginia State Police reported the smallest number of Thanksgiving weekend traffic fatalities in more than two decades. There were safety tips posted on the internet from the AutomobileClub of America and the Virginia State Police encouraging everyone to drive safely. NHTSA implemented a campaign from November 28, 2024 – December 9, 2024 focused on Pre-Holiday Season Drunk Driving Prevention; “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving”.
The Law Firm of Kalfus & Nachman offered a free emergency roadside kit for families that shared their safety tips for traveling on their Facebook Page before 11/28/2014. The law firm also, hosted a segment on the Hampton Roads Show “Legal Matters” focusing on Safe Holiday Travel Tips.

Over the weekend VSP released five people died during the holiday reporting period, which began at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday and ended at midnight Sunday. Alcohol was a factor in at least two of the deaths, and three of the victims were not wearing seat belts this data shows the fewest fatalities recorded during the holiday weekend since 1992. In 2013, there were twelve fatalities on Virginia’s roadways.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a personal injury, it’s important to get an attorney experienced in these types of cases involved immediately. Call 800–361-0430 for your initial free consultation. Kalfus & Nachman PC, can help you determine whether you need a lawyerfor an accident or any personal injury case.

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