Pedestrian Accidents and Tips to Stay Safe from the National Highway and Safety Administration Website and Kalfus & Nachman

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Reports obtained from the National Highway and Safety Administration state that, in 2011 an estimated 69,000 pedestrians were injured, 11,000 of those injured were age 14 and younger, and males accounted for 65% (7,000) of those 11,000 injured.

Last Night July 28th, 2014, another child was struck by a vehicle in Chesapeake around 9:00pm. The boy was reported running across the road at Canal Drive and Geneva Boulevard, he received non-life threatening injuries. He was taken to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. According to the Virginian Pilot Chesapeake Police are still investigating the incident. There are no charges pending against the driver, and alcohol does not appear to be a factor, police said.

More startling facts obtained by the NHSA on pedestrian accidents are that in 2011 approximately 4,432 pedestrians were killed in the US by automobiles; they account for 14% of total traffic fatalities.

  • 2 out of 3 were at non-intersections
  • 1 in 2 died on the weekend
  • 1 in 3 died between 8pm to midnight
  • 1 in 3 were drunk

There are many areas of Hampton Roads they do not have safe walkways or crosswalks for pedestrians to move about. Most of the sidewalks and walkways are located in more urban and modern communities. Rural areas of Suffolk, Chesapeake and even areas of Portsmouth do not have these street amenities.

Here are a few tips for pedestrians:

  • If walking in neighborhoods without sidewalks – wear reflective clothing, if you do not have a flashlight use your cellphone to alert drivers
  • Obey signs and signals, look left-to-right before crossing a street
  • Pay attention don’t be a distracted WALKER!! Don’t text and talk on your phone, especially if you are walking with a small child.
  • Walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible if there are no sidewalks
  • LOOK at the driver and try to make eye contact

We care about those around us so please, not only look out for the auto & truck traffic on the roads here in Hampton Roads but for the pedestrians too!

If you or a loved one have been injured in an in an accident caused by the negligence of another, please give us a call today to schedule a consultation with a Norfolk personal injury attorney, please visit the website and fill out the convenient online form.

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