Obama Bans Texting While Driving for Government Employees
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
In an attempt to cut down on the large problem caused by distracted driving, President Obama recently signed an order banning all federal employees from texting while driving government vehicles. Drivers are prohibited from both reading and sending text messages while driving. Instant messaging and the use of GPS devices are also forbidden.
This law also extends to government employees driving government-rented or -leased vehicles, as well as personal vehicles used for government business. President Obama stated that he feels it is important that federal employees set an example of proper safe driving practices to be followed by the rest of the nation.
Recent studies by the U.S. Department of Transportation indicate that distracted driving plays a role in many of the auto accidents occurring on our nation's roads. In particular, cell phone use while driving - both talking and texting - dramatically increases the risk of an accident. The Department of Transportation recently released a report documenting that talking on a cell phone while driving is almost as dangerous as driving while intoxicated.
If you have been seriously injured in an auto accident caused by a distracted driver, the Newport News car accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman can help you receive compensation for your damages. Our lawyers have handled many auto accident cases, and we will provide you with aggressive legal representation to help you receive what you deserve.
Please contact our Newport News car accident attorneys today to schedule your free initial consultation. Kalfus & Nachman serves clients in Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia.