More Motorist Expected on the Road this Labor Day Weekend
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
It’s the last holiday weekend of Summer2014 before the kids head back to school. Gas prices have dropped 4% compared to 2013. The average price of a gallon of gas in Virginia according to as of 8/27/2014 is $3.19 per gallon. That’s down 4% compared to 2013. Hotels, Amusement Parks and Beaches are hoping that Tropical Storm Cristobal stays far out in the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, dangerous rip tides will still be coming ashore for most of the coast between Wednesday and Friday as it passes.
However, AAA Mid-Atlantic says that the number of people taking a trip at least 50 miles away from home is anticipated to increase slightly this year. That's more than 964,300 Virginians traveling during the Thursday through Monday holiday weekend.
Motorists are being reminded to buckle up and drive sober and distraction-free while traveling for the upcoming holiday.
Virginia State Police say there will be a heavy police presence on the roads this Labor Day weekend, with an emphasis on catching intoxicated drivers.
The stepped-up law enforcement operations are part of the nationwide Drive to Save Lives campaign that aims to not only reduce traffic fatalities by 15 percent in 2014 but to also increase officer safety for those on patrol,” a state police statement said. “To achieve a 15 percent reduction in the commonwealth, there must be 111 fewer traffic deaths on Virginia’s highways this year.”
In 2013 there were 9 traffic deaths, 120 drunk drivers arrested, citing 11,834 speeders and 2,552 reckless drivers, 883 safety belt violations and 335 tickets to adults who failed to properly secure their infant and child passengers, during the four-day Labor Day weekend from Friday through Monday, according to state police.
The attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman have developed several videos to help keep you safe, take a look before you get on the road this weekend.
Highway Safety
Distracted Driving
Whom Do You Contact If You Are Involved In Accident
Injured in another State
Remember to be safe this holiday weekend and drive safely.
If you or a loved one have been injured by the negligence of another, please give us a call today to schedule a consultation with a Norfolk personal injury attorney, please visit the website and fill out the convenient online form.
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