Less Fatal Car Accidents for our Military Personnel but Motorcycle Accident Fatalities are Increasing
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
The Medical Surveillance Monthly Report released from the Department of Defense showed a decrease in motor vehicle deaths for military personnel. According to the report, “there has been a downward trend, of motor vehicle deaths among active-duty personnel.” There were fewer service members who died in motor vehicle accidents then from combat and suicide in the last few years. This is an astonishing statistic.
However, there is a flip side to the motor vehicle accidents decline. Fatalities on motorcycles have steadily been increasing, claiming the lives of 1,134 military personnel, since 2009.The report goes on to illustrate that the 14 year period, motorcycle accidents deaths accounted for over 25% of all motor vehicle related deaths for active and reserve members. The Army has taken extra measures for their members and implemented a mandatory Progressive Motorcycle Program for soldiers that own motorcycles. This is in hopes of decreasing fatalities and increasing safety awareness. Other branches of the Armed Forces have implemented safe driving campaigns to heighten awareness amongst their members. The military is making a commitment to make a greater effort to make younger service members aware of “risk and their own vulnerability with respect to motorcycle crashes and to modify their behaviors accordingly.”
HOV Lanes for Service Members here in Hampton Roads
Here in Hampton Roads on I-64 and I-264 between the hours of 3:30 pm and 5:00pm, the roadways become parking lots as our service members from Norfolk Naval Base, Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Little Creek Amphibious, and Langley Air Force Base are all completing their shift and heading home. The HOV lanes only allow cars with 2 or more drivers or motorcycles. Ten years the cost of a gallon of gas was $1.10 on average her in the US, today the cost is over $3.00. So, how does all of this tie together with traffic conditions and increased gas prices? More and more commuters are turning to cheaper alternatives to get to and from base during rush hour. We are seeing more motorcycles on the road during rush hour. Some quick safety tips for motorcycles in the HOV Lane?
- Obey posted Speed Limits in the HOV Lane
- Signal when changing lanes in the HOV Lane
- Do not drink and drive
- Wear helmets and safety gear
- Have your bike inspected regularly
- Slowdown in construction sites and watch for raised platforms in the road
If you have been seriously injured, or if your family member has been killed in a motorcycle accident anywhere in Virginia or Northeast NC, please contact Kalfus & Nachman today or call (800) 361-0430 for a free consultation. We have offices in Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia.