SOCIAL SECURITY News Release Social Security Fast-Track Disability Processes Get Even Faster
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
On November 12, 2024 The Social Security Administration announced new rules - accessible through the Federal Registry online - that will enable what it calls America's "most vulnerable citizens" to qualify more quickly for Social Security Disability benefits. Those eligible to have their applications fast-tracked will be those persons with the most severe disabilities. Under the agency's Quick Disability Determination (QDD) and Compassionate Allowance (CAL) processes, 88 specific diseases and conditions have been identified as qualifying for fast-track treatment without the need for medical approval or the input of psychological consultants. In some cases this will process will not be a benefit, specifically persons suffering from strokes. As claims continue to outpace prior year the time delays and other exactions placed upon most claimants. When applying for Social Security Disability most applicants are routinely rejected early in the process and are denied again upon reconsideration. Many never appeal. Statistics show, though, that an applicant who retains an experienced Social Security disability attorney stands a much higher chance of securing benefits, with the lawyer knowing how to process the myriad forms and paperwork and represent a client at a hearing before an administrative law judge. Contact Kalfus and Nachman for more information on Social Security Disability.