Auto Accidents and Fatalities Down in Virginia

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Car accidents in Virginia have seen a steady decline since 2007, but there are still over 700 fatal auto accidents a year and over 63,000 injuries. For the families and loved ones left behind and seriously affected by these auto accidents in areas like Virginia Beach, the numbers are still staggering.

Virginia car crash fatalities reached a ten-year high in 2007 with more than 1,000 deaths, but state officials were already working on Virginia’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan to reduce deaths and all injury types by 2010. And Virginia succeeded. Fatalities have been below 800 for the past three years, and the state’s death rate is lower than the national rate. As of October, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles had only recorded 608 traffic-related deaths this year.

Deaths and injuries resulting from drunk driving accidents have also seen a decline, but they do remain a steady percent of total fatalities and accidents. And more factors than alcohol impair a driver. Virginia reports that distracted driving, sleep deprivation and aggressive driving can all result in auto accidents. Negligent drivers continue to be a source of tragic injuries and fatalities.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, please contact Kalfus & Nachman, Attorneys at Law. We have offices in Norfolk, Newport News and Roanoke, Virginia.

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