What to Do After an Auto Accident

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Auto accidents happen in a horrifying instant, and the aftermath of a traffic collision can leave you hurt, scared and confused about what to do next.

The Roanoke, Virginia, auto accident lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman have decades of success helping the victims of car accidents caused by the negligence of other drivers recover the money they need for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Based on our extensive experience with Virginia auto accident cases, we offer the following tips on what to do after a car accident:

  • Check yourself and passengers for injuries
  • Contact the appropriate authorities, including emergency medical responders
  • Submit to a medical evaluation; it’s important to remember that the symptoms of some injuries may not be readily apparent to you
  • Gather the names and contact information for others involved in the auto accident as well as witnesses
  • Note the vehicle information of other cars involved in the accident, including license plate numbers
  • If possible, take photos or video of the damage and note the conditions and circumstances of the accident
  • Cooperate with the police and your insurance agency; answer their questions honestly, but do not admit fault
  • Do not sign any insurance company forms prior to consulting with an auto accident lawyer; again, do not admit fault for the accident
  • Contact the Virginia auto accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman as soon as possible

If you were injured or a family member was killed in an auto accident that you believe was caused by the negligence of another driver, please contact the Roanoke, Virginia, car accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman for your free case evaluation.

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