3 Things for a Successful Case

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

If you’re interested in pursuing a personal injury claim, you will have a lot of questions about the entire process and the best way to win.

There are basically 3 things you need to help win your case. Those elements are liability, damages, and recovery.

You first need to decide who is liable for the injuries you’ve suffered. Who is responsible for the accident? Second, what type of injuries did you sustain? Were those injuries severe and/or permanent? The injuries you sustain have to be of significance as a personal injury claim is not useful for a sprained ankle or cut knee. The way you show your damages is by going to the doctor and getting treatment. Personal injury claims are medically driven. This means that it all revolves around your injuries and the medical treatment you need to get those injuries fixed. Lastly, you need to make sure there is a way to recover your costs. The costs that can occur during your claim are medical expenses, doctor visits, prescription drugs, and lost wages. You either need to go after your insurance company or that of the other driver to get compensation. If those options are not available, your case may not have any value. Watch the video now to learn more.

To learn more about personal injury law, I encourage you to watch the video above and to explore our educational website at http://www.kalfusnachman.com. If you have legal questions, I want you to call me at (800) 800-9797. I welcome your call.

Kalfus & Nachman

(800) 487-8546

Offices in Norfolk, Newport News and Roanoke Virginia. Also serving Northeastern North Carolina.

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