Denture Creams May Cause Neurologic Damage

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Denture Creams May Cause Neurologic Damage

According to a recently-published study, the use of denture creams may be linked with neuropathy, a condition in which nerves are damaged, leading to numbness, pain, and dysfunction in the limbs and, eventually, the central nervous system.

Because they contain high levels of zinc, denture creams may cause hyperzincuria, or zinc poisoning. Zinc poisoning can lead to neurological damage, which in many cases is irreversible and results in permanent disability.

Early symptoms of hyperzincuria include:

* Anemia, often first identified as chronic fatigue
* Poor healing
* Decreased immune system response

If you use denture cream and are experiencing any of these symptoms or have unexplained numbness, pain, or dysfunction in your limbs, you should contact your doctor to determine whether you have elevated zinc levels.

Denture cream manufacturers never published warnings of the potentially deadly effects of zinc in their products, putting you at risk. If you have been diagnosed with hyperzincuria that may be related to denture cream use, a dangerous product lawsuit can help you recover compensation for your:

* Past, present, and future medical bills
* Diminished earning potential
* Pain and suffering
* Diminished quality of life

To learn whether you may be eligible for compensation, schedule a denture cream injury consultation with the product liability lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman, Attorneys at Law today.

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