Parking Lot Car Accidents

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

With their tight spaces and often-dense traffic, parking lots are common sites for automobile accidents.

While some parking lot car accidents may occur when drivers and/or passengers are present in each involved vehicle, many of these collisions occur when one car is empty; negligent drivers often take advantage of this situation and flee.

Although most parking lot accidents occur at low speeds, these collisions can still result in substantial property damage and personal injury. Before you contact your insurance company following a parking lot car accident, it’s advisable to consult with the Virginia car accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman to determine your legal options.

Insurance offers are not always adequate for your damages, and in some cases—even when the other driver has left the scene following the collision—surveillance camera footage can be used to track down the negligent driver and hold him or her accountable. Depending on the circumstances, such as if the accident was due to inadequate signage, the property owner may also be liable for your damages under a premises liability claim.

If your vehicle was involved in a parking lot accident caused by another driver or unsafe premises, please contact the Virginia car accident lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman for your free case evaluation. We welcome clients from the Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, Roanoke and Virginia Beach, Virginia, areas.

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