Off-the-Clock Hours

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Trusting that employees do not understand their rights, some employers treat legitimate working hours as off-the-clock hours. Examples include unpaid work-related activities such as driving to and from work sites, working beyond your normal shift, mandatory meetings, and some meal or breaks. In addition, some jobs are extremely competitive, leading workers to believe they must work long hours without pay to impress the employer and receive promotions. Furthermore, the scarcity of jobs in this economy leads some workers to keep quiet about illegal pay practices for fear of losing their jobs. If your employer requires you to work extra hours and does not pay for this work, the Virginia employment attorneys of Kalfus & Nachman will help you determine if these off-the-clock hours are legitimate under the law. If we determine that your employer may be in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) or other Virginia state and federal employment law, we will fight for your justly earned back pay and other compensation. Legal and Illegal Off-the-Clock Hours Certain kinds of employees, such as volunteers and independent contractors, are considered “exempt” under FLSA and not entitled to time-and-a-half overtime pay and other requirements. All too often, however, employees are labeled exempt when the terms of their employment actually do entitle them to overtime. Employers frequently misclassify workers as volunteers or independent contractors, thinking that such a label alone exempts them from paying overtime or off-the-clock hours. If you are confused about your exempt or non-exempt status or if you believe you are being inappropriately classified as a volunteer or independent contractor, our Virginia employment attorneys will help you figure out if you are owed back pay for unpaid overtime or off-the-clock hours. If your employer requires you to work off-the-clock hours, please contact the Virginia employment attorneys of Kalfus & Nachman today to discuss your case.

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