Distracted Driving Statistics
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
Whether you are talking on your cell phone, text messaging, writing a grocery list, or eating your lunch, secondary activities have become normal behind the steering wheel for many American motorists. United States traffic statistics reveal a drastic increase in multi-tasking among drivers. Distracted driving is now the leading cause of accidents in the nation, eclipsing drunk driving as the top safety concern for the driving public.
Consider the following facts about distracted driving:
- It is the number one killer of American teenagers.
- The brain power you use to focus on driving decreases by 40% when you engage in conversation or listen to music.
- Over 80% of drivers admit to extremely hazardous behavior, such as changing clothes, shaving, painting nails, or steering with a foot.
- Drivers who talk on cell phones experience more impairment than drivers at .08% BAC.
Texting is the most dangerous activity you can engage in while driving, as it takes your eyes off the road, distracts you mentally, and forces you to relinquish manual control of your vehicle. A recent study examining the texting behaviors of truckers found that truck drivers removed their eyes from the road for as long as five seconds every time they texted. When you are driving 60+ miles per hour on the freeway, five seconds is more than enough time for a serious accident to occur.
When young, inexperienced drivers engage in cell phone use and texting, the dangers are further compounded, as younger drivers are already at a higher risk of getting into a car accident. If you or one of your loved ones has been seriously injured in a car accident because of a distracted driver, make sure you are getting the compensation you deserve.
Please contact the experienced car accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman today for a free consultation. Our firm serves clients in Norfolk, Roanoke, and Newport News, Virginia.