The Kalfus Nachman Blog

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Archive for the ‘medical malpractice’ Category

Friday, September 5th, 2014

We lost a great comedian yesterday Joan Rivers, due to complications during minor elective surgery. Ms. River’s was rushed to The Mount Sinai Hospital on Thursday, Aug. 28 after going into cardiac and respiratory arrest at the Yorkville Endoscopy Center on E. 93rd St. in Manhattan, where she was placed on life support until yesterday, September 4, 2014.

An autopsy has been performed but inconclusive. Julie Bolcer spokesperson for the City Medical Examiner’s Office in New York has shared the ‘cause and manner’ of the comedian’s death will now be determined after further investigation. State Health Department officials had already announced their own investigation

Sources have told the Daily News that the comedienne’s family was considering a lawsuit in Rivers’s sudden and shocking death.

Our hearts and prayers are with the family during their grieving period, she was extraordinary comedian that kept us laughing throughout the years.

The defines the risk of surgery as follows;

“All surgery carries risk to the person. The factors that determine the degree of risk include the body part that is affected, the seriousness of the medical condition, the extent of surgery, the complexity of surgery and the expected recovery time. Categories include:

  • Major surgery – such as surgery to the organs of the head, chest and abdomen. Examples of major surgery include organ transplant, removal of a brain tumour, removal of a damaged kidney or open-heart surgery. The person will need to stay in hospital for some time. The risk of complications may be high and the person will take a longer time to recover.
  • Minor surgery – presents a low risk of complications and fast recovery time. The person can usually go home the same day. Examples of minor surgery include tonsillectomy, sewing up a cut or biopsy of a breast lump”

This is a fact whether your surgery is minor or major; emergency or elective you trust the medical professionals handling your care.

Only one in eight people injured by medical negligence file a malpractice claim, especially the poor and uninsured. According to the Institute of Medicine, 98,000 patients die each year as a result of preventable medical error. This is equivalent to (2) Boeing 747 Airliners crashing in the US airspace everyday consecutively for 365 days and despite the massive number of medical injuries, medical malpractice lawsuits are uncommon.

We are here to help at Kalfus and Nachman, for more information about medical malpractice, please visit our YouTube Channel for more information on a case that was handled by our attorneys here at Kalfus and Nachman “Podiatrist Finds Medical Instrument In Man’s Abdomen”.

Or other webpages on our website for more information on Medical Malpractice.

If you suspect a doctor or other medical professional may have caused injury to you or a loved one, please contact Kalfus & Nachman today or call (800) 361-0430 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced Newport News medical malpractice attorneys.

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Friday, September 5th, 2014

We lost a great comedian yesterday Joan Rivers, due to complications during minor elective surgery. Ms. River’s was rushed to The Mount Sinai Hospital on Thursday, Aug. 28 after going into cardiac and respiratory arrest at the Yorkville Endoscopy Center on E. 93rd St. in Manhattan, where she was placed on life support until yesterday, September 4, 2014.

An autopsy has been performed but inconclusive. Julie Bolcer spokesperson for the City Medical Examiner’s Office in New York has shared the ‘cause and manner’ of the comedian’s death will now be determined after further investigation. State Health Department officials had already announced their own investigation

Sources have told the Daily News that the comedienne’s family was considering a lawsuit in Rivers’s sudden and shocking death.

Our hearts and prayers are with the family during their grieving period, she was extraordinary comedian that kept us laughing throughout the years.

The defines the risk of surgery as follows;

“All surgery carries risk to the person. The factors that determine the degree of risk include the body part that is affected, the seriousness of the medical condition, the extent of surgery, the complexity of surgery and the expected recovery time. Categories include:

  • Major surgery – such as surgery to the organs of the head, chest and abdomen. Examples of major surgery include organ transplant, removal of a brain tumour, removal of a damaged kidney or open-heart surgery. The person will need to stay in hospital for some time. The risk of complications may be high and the person will take a longer time to recover.
  • Minor surgery – presents a low risk of complications and fast recovery time. The person can usually go home the same day. Examples of minor surgery include tonsillectomy, sewing up a cut or biopsy of a breast lump”

This is a fact whether your surgery is minor or major; emergency or elective you trust the medical professionals handling your care.

Only one in eight people injured by medical negligence file a malpractice claim, especially the poor and uninsured. According to the Institute of Medicine, 98,000 patients die each year as a result of preventable medical error. This is equivalent to (2) Boeing 747 Airliners crashing in the US airspace everyday consecutively for 365 days and despite the massive number of medical injuries, medical malpractice lawsuits are uncommon.

We are here to help at Kalfus and Nachman, for more information about medical malpractice, please visit our YouTube Channel for more information on a case that was handled by our attorneys here at Kalfus and Nachman “Podiatrist Finds Medical Instrument In Man’s Abdomen”.

Or other webpages on our website for more information on Medical Malpractice.

If you suspect a doctor or other medical professional may have caused injury to you or a loved one, please contact Kalfus & Nachman today or call (800) 361-0430 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced Newport News medical malpractice attorneys.

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Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

Our northern Virginia brain injury lawyers understand the importance of getting skilled, comprehensive medical treatment for your traumatic brain injury. It is crucial if you are to live a free, full life after your injury. Unfortunately, medicine is a business, and the profit motive is just as strong in a hospital as it is in a corporate boardroom. That’s why so many people come to our brain injury lawyers with tragic medical malpractice claims. Truly effective brain injury care, including post-operative rehabilitation programs, is not cheap. Medicare and Medicaid have strict guidelines regarding how much care patients receive. And hospitals are often reluctant to offer treatment beyond that which is covered by the government programs. Hospitals have limited beds, and they have an interest in diagnosing and discharging patients as quickly as possible. This means doctors might flat out miss your brain injury, or they might misdiagnose the type or severity of your brain injury. The end result of these mistakes is that you don’t receive the care you need. If this has happened to you, our northern Virginia brain injury lawyers can help you pursue the justice and compensation you need with a medical malpractice claim. If you’re a northern Virginia resident and you need a skilled brain injury lawyer, please contact Kalfus and Nachman Attorneys at Law today for a free consultation.

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Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

In Northern Virginia, we interact with veterans every day. We see soldiers, sailors and airmen from Norfolk Naval Base, Langley Air Force Base, the Hampton VA Hospital and our other military bases all the time. Sadly, that also means we see the effects of the traumatic brain injuries many of these brave men and women have suffered while deployed overseas. TBI’s effects linger for years, and most dangerously, past brain injuries make veterans more vulnerable to another injury in their day-to-day lives. Our experienced brain injury attorneys are proud to represent veterans who have suffered brain injuries in Northern Virginia as a result of someone else’s negligence or misconduct. Your medical history is incredibly important to your case. When you come to a free, no-obligation consultation to speak with our brain injury attorneys, bring all your past medical records, especially those dealing with any brain injuries you suffered while in the service. Many brain injuries are caused by auto accidents, of course, but our brain injury attorneys also see a number of medical malpractice cases in this area, particularly misdiagnoses. If you suffered a brain injury, explained your medical history to your doctor and still received an incorrect diagnosis that ignored the warning signs and didn’t properly diagnose a new brain injury, you have a right to pursue justice and compensation. If you live in the Roanoke, Virginia area and you’re looking for an experienced brain injury attorney, please contact Kalfus and Nachman Attorneys at Law today for a free consultation. We proudly help veterans in these difficult times.

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