Kalfus & Nachman Safe RIde Home #HurtlineSafeRIde
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
The Law Firm of Kalfus & Nachman is kicking off its 1st annual Safe Ride Home Program. The program offers FREE rides from any restaurant or bar to home for the "Big Game" from kick off to midnight to help fans celebrate the safely. Just call Norfolk Black and White Cab at 757-855-4444 and say "Kalfus & Nachman" and they will pick you up at any bar or restaurant in any city in the Hampton Roads area and drop you off in any city in the Hampton Roads area to assure you get you home safely.
The following rules apply. Must 21 or older to participate, rides from kick off to midnight only on 2/1/2015, must be "Norfolk Black and White" Cab Service. Rides cannot be guaranteed, however every attempt will be made to accommodate all requests go to www.kalfusnachman.com for more details or call 757-461-4900.