SSDI Funding Issues
Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia
Our clients have worked hard their whole lives. They’ve paid taxes: local, state, federal, payroll, the whole batch. And when they get hurt, they turn to the Social Security Disability Insurance benefits to move them through the rough patch in their lives. The Social Security Disability lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman believe you’ve earned these benefits through the sweat of your brow and the money you’ve paid into the system over the years.
However, recent developments make it clear that it might be tougher than ever to access the benefits you deserve. The SSDI fund is in trouble. In this new environment, you need the skilled and experienced Social Security Disability lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman to champion your claim and shepherd it through the confusing application process.
An Exhausted SSDI Fund?
Over the years, more and more people have filed claims with the SSDI and drawn benefits. This number has only increased during the troubling economic times we’ve recently, and are currently, experiencing.
As a result, the SSDI fund is in danger of being exhausted. A recent report by the RAND Corporation found that the SSDI fund is currently spending more money than it takes in.
The result? Unless changes are made, RAND estimates that the fund will become bankrupt in 2016.
What does this mean for you if you’ve been injured and you file for benefits from the SSDI? No one can say for sure, but it certainly will not make your trip through the government bureaucracy any easier. The situation only magnifies your need for representation in the form of experienced Social Security Disability lawyers like the ones at Kalfus & Nachman.
If you’ve been hurt and you’re eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, please contact Kalfus & Nachman Attorneys at Law today for a free consultation.