Should I Go to the Doctor Immediately After a Car Crash?

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

If you've been injured in a car crash, there may a multitude of things running through your mind. First of all, you're dealing with the fear that comes from the initial collision, and then you have to undergo the worry that your vehicle is damaged and you or your family members may be hurt.

Oftentimes, a car accident victim wonders if they should go the doctor immediately after a car crash. In this video, our Norfolk, Virginia attorney, Richard Aufenger, discusses his experience and opinions about going to the doctor after a car accident.

If you've been involved in an accident, it is always important to remember that certain injuries may take days or even weeks to manifest themselves, so never admit that you're not injured to the other party involved in the accident, the authorities, or insurance companies.

It is always best to contact a car accident attorney from Kalfus & Nachman to help you determine how to communicate with insurance companies and authorities. For help with your case, please contact us today by calling (800) 361-0430.

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