At Kalfus & Nachman, the most important thing in our Norfolk attorneys’ minds is the safety of our community. With this in mind, we are proud sponsors of EndDD. EddDD stands for “End Distracted Driving” and is an organization committed to raising awareness about distracted driving and the how ending it can save countless lives.
We truly hope that we never have to receive a call that you or a loved one was injured due to a distracted driving accident, but if you are in need of help or more information, please call us today at (800) 461-0430.
What is Distracted Driving?
Distracted driving occurs anytime that you don’t have your full attention on the road ahead of you. This is not just texting-and-driving, which is illegal in the state of Virginia, but any action or reaction that distracts you from driving properly and with your full attention. Distracted driving includes any of the following:
- Texting-while-driving
- The use of a cell phone for speech, even hands-free
- Grooming
- Eating
- Drinking
- Checking the GPS
- Changing music
- Speaking to/messing around with anyone else in the vehicle
- Being distracted by small children in the back seat of the vehicle
- Drowsy driving
While it may be easy to believe that distracted driving can’t occur by simply having a conversation over the phone, even if it’s a hands-free phone system, the statistics don’t lie. Multiple studies compiled by EndDD have shown that speaking on your hand-held phone versus speaking on a hands-free device offers no difference in terms of the distraction your brain is suffering.
Be a Good Role Model
According to a study presented by EndDD, teens who witness their parents driving distracted are twice as more likely to drive distracted as well. EndDD reminds all parents to remember to “practice what you preach” and ensure that you’re showing your teenager good driving habits. For more information about this subject, please view a video from EndDD here.
The Kalfus & Nachman Community
At Kalfus & Nachman, our attorneys have witnessed the worst that can happen from driving distracted. We also know that this is an easy-to-avoid type of car accident because it simply means putting down the phone, ignoring distractions, and focusing on the road. Help us spread awareness about this type of dangerous driving and keep our community safe! For any more information about distracted driving or help with any type of case, please call us at (800) 461-0430.