Traffic Accident Deaths were up Memorial Day Weekend 2015

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Reports released this week from the Virginia State Police in Richmond. There were nine confirmed fatal accidents May 23, 2024 – May 25, 2015 @ midnight. This equates to an 11% increase over last year. DUI is suspected in three of the crashes and reports also show four victims were not wearing seatbelts.

Virginia State Police responded to these fatalities in the following counties of Albemarle, Campbell, Franklin, Page, Prince George, Prince William, Rockingham, Roanoke, Prince and Page County.

The total number of motor vehicle accidents responded to and investigated by Virginia State Police was 768 statewide.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a wrongful death or personal injury claim, it’s important to get an attorney experienced in these types of cases involved immediately. Call 800–361-0430 for your initial free consultation. Kalfus & Nachman PC, can help you determine whether you need a lawyer for an accident or any personal injury case. #wrongfuldeathattorney #personalinjurylawyer

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