Man Loses His Fingers While on a Helicopter Ride

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

A story of a family out having a great time turns tragic when the father of the family loses his fingers. This family was enjoying themselves aboard a helicopter ride and, when the ride came to an end, the father of the family went to wave at a friend. His waving hand ended up touching the blades of the helicopter and he lost his fingers.

You can view the video here with our Roanoke injury attorney, Richard Aufenger, III.

Our injury attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman were able to prove that the helicopter company didn't give enough information to the passengers of their helicopters and, therefore, were negligent in this man's accident. We were able to get his family compensation for their suffering and loss. We can do the same for you. If you or your family member has been injured, no matter the scenario, contact us today to see how we can help you. Call us at (800) 361-0430.

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