Don’t Use Social Media if You’re Involved in a Personal Injury Case

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

In this video, our Roanoke attorney, Thomas Fitzgerald II, explains how social media can be the reason you don’t get the compensation you deserve in an injury case. If you have a personal injury case pending, keep in mind that whomever you’re going against in the case can check your social media pages and use that information against you.

In this case, a young woman claimed she needed double her settlement because she was unable to enjoy herself or even leave the house. After producing a social media post that proved the opposite, she was given half of her settlement.

Social media must be protected and kept secure if you’re in the process of a lawsuit. Our attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman can help you navigate your case and ensure that your social media won’t count against you. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you. Call (800) 361-0430.

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