Attorneys serving Norfolk, Newport News, & Roanoke, Virginia

SSDI Funding Issues

Our clients have worked hard their whole lives. They’ve paid taxes: local, state, federal, payroll, the whole batch. And when they get hurt, they turn to the Social Security Disability Insurance benefits to move them through the rough patch in their lives. The Social Security Disability lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman believe you’ve earned these benefits through the sweat of your brow and the money you’ve paid into the system over the years.

Do Doctors Make Decisions about SSDI Claims?

Are you wondering whether it was a doctor or some sort of bureaucrat who decided to deny your claim for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits? The answer is somewhat complex. Doctors do have input into approval or denial of SSDI benefits, but they are not the only ones. If you have been denied or are considering applying for SSDI benefits, the Social Security Disability attorneys of Kalfus & Nachman can help you better understand the SSDI system and fight to get your SSDI claim approved.