medical malpractice

Attorneys serving Norfolk, Newport News, & Roanoke, Virginia

Brain Injury Treatment and Medical Malpractice

Our northern Virginia brain injury lawyers understand the importance of getting skilled, comprehensive medical treatment for your traumatic brain injury. It is crucial if you are to live a free, full life after your injury. Unfortunately, medicine is a business, and the profit motive is just as strong in a hospital as it is in a corporate boardroom. That’s why so many people come to our brain injury lawyers with tragic medical malpractice claims.

Brain Injury PTSD in Veterans

In Northern Virginia, we interact with veterans every day. We see soldiers, sailors and airmen from Norfolk Naval Base, Langley Air Force Base, the Hampton VA Hospital and our other military bases all the time. Sadly, that also means we see the effects of the traumatic brain injuries many of these brave men and women have suffered while deployed overseas. TBI’s effects linger for years, and most dangerously, past brain injuries make veterans more vulnerable to another injury in their day-to-day lives.