Personal Injury; wrongful death

Attorneys serving Norfolk, Newport News, & Roanoke, Virginia

The Truth About Reckless Truckers

I know some of you out there might think of truckers in a negative light—hogging the road, driving recklessly, staying up late to meet deadlines... Tragic accidents making the news headlines definitely don't help. This past May, a commercial vehicle driver crossed the center line near Toccoa, Georgia, striking a church bus and injuring more than a dozen people. Earlier this month in Emerson, Georgia, a tractor trailer driver contributed to the death of a mother of two children after failing to set his parking brake.

Will my Personal Injury Case Settle or go to Court?

When you're involved in a personal injury case, you may be wondering if your case will end up settled outside of court or if you will have to go trial.

In this video, our Newport News, Virginia attorney, Chris Jacobs, discusses how Kalfus & Nachman prepares your case. We like to prepare every case as though we are going to trial because, oftentimes, this is the best way to get the maximum payment for your pain, suffering, and injuries.

Why You Should Care About Cities Cutting Road Maintenance

Portsmouth's City Council is mulling significant budget cuts across the board. But there is one item—low profile but potentially significant—that many people are overlooking.

That issue is road maintenance. Portsmouth's main highways take a beating from heavy container shipments moving through Norfolk International Terminals and the former APM Terminals complex (now known as Virginia International Gateway), and recently the Portsmouth Marine Terminal reopened to container ships.

Burn Awareness Week 2015

This week is Burn Awareness Week 2015. It provides a platform for burn, fire and life safety educators to build awareness in community on preventing burns. Over 4,000 Americans are killed by fires a year and another 25,000 are hospitalized in burn centers. The ABA Burn Prevention Committee has identified to at-risk groups for burns, young children and the elderly. Please take time to view some of the materials available at on how to stay safe.

10 Fatalities when bus hits black ice and strikes train

A Texas Department of Criminal Justice Bus hits black ice and skids into the path of a passing train. The bus was traveling on Interstate 20 on an overpass, during inclement weather, and lost control. Immediate reports shared there were at least 10 fatalities (8 prisoners and 2 Correctional Officers). Five of the occupants on the bus were taken to a nearby hospital for medical care. The occupants of the bus included 12 prisoners and three correction officers headed to Sanchez Prison in El Paso, TX. The employees of Union Pacific, operating the train, did not suffer any injuries.

Few fatalities this past holiday weekend in VA

Kudos to Virginia Drivers and drivers passing through the state over the holiday weekend, the Virginia State Police reported the smallest number of Thanksgiving weekend traffic fatalities in more than two decades. There were safety tips posted on the internet from the AutomobileClub of America and the Virginia State Police encouraging everyone to drive safely. NHTSA implemented a campaign from November 28, 2024 – December 9, 2024 focused on Pre-Holiday Season Drunk Driving Prevention; “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving”.

Pedestrian Accidents Account for 10% of all Traffic Fatalities in VA

Yesterday there was a horrific accident on Shore Drive involving a pedestrian walking in the east bound lane, who was struck and killed by a vehicle traveling in the same direction. The accident occurred around the 2600 block of Shore Drive near First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach. The pedestrian died at the scene. He was not carrying ID, police said.

Fatal DUI Claims Another Life in Hampton, VA

We have read about three very tragic cases (Virginia Beach -Sanbridge, Petersburg-Dinwiddie, and Hampton) of drivers operating under the influence and taking innocent lives.

On August 5, 2024 a Dinwiddie County man was charged with driving under the influence after he crashed into an eastbound pickup truck on U.S. Rt. 460, killing the passenger in his truck, that passenger was his wife. Virginia State Police said that Julie L. Durham, 40, died at VCU Medical Center after the crash.