Auto Accident

Attorneys serving Norfolk, Newport News, & Roanoke, Virginia

$14 Million Awarded to Virginia Family in Car Accident Lawsuit

In February 2010, a Virginia resident suffered a serious traumatic brain injury during a car accident in which his vehicle's side air bags failed to deploy. He was in a coma for nearly a week, and now requires the care of a long-term facility. A jury in the Pulaski Circuit Court recently awarded the family $14 million in damages after being convinced that the air bag sensors in the 2003 - 2008 Hyundai Tiburon models were defective.

Can I Recover from a Hit and Run Accident?

An accident is already such a horrible and confusing time. You need to get your car fixed, deal with insurance companies and at the very least deal with any injuries you may have sustained in the car accident.

But how do you handle being in an accident where the party who caused your accident has fled the scene and is nowhere to be found? These types of accidents, typically called “hit and runs”, can wreak havoc after a crash.

The Dangers of Distracted Driving

When you drive a motor vehicle, you already have to be very cautious and aware of hazards. But what about the hazards we cause every day by ourselves?

These hazards are the dangerous things we shouldn’t be doing while driving like putting on makeup, playing with the radio, eating, drinking, and grooming ourselves. One of the biggest dangers as most people know is using their cell phone.

Distracted Driver Hits 7 Year-Old Boy

The last thing we ever want is one of our children to come under any harm. But it’s even worse when your child is injured due to the carelessness of someone else.

Such is the case of one of our clients whose son Eric was hit by a car as the driver was talking on their cell phone. The driver claimed the child ran into the road and took no responsibility that she hit a 7 year old on a bike.

What You Need to Do After a Serious Accident

After an accident, you may in a dazed or even injured. You may question what to do first as many questions go through your head.

In any type of accident, you should seek medical attention first. Once you are healthy, this is the time to make more decisions regarding your injuries and seeking compensation. There are a few things you should do to help prove your case and give you the best chance to win your lawsuit.
