Social Security Disability Attorney

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Why You Need a Social Security Disability Attorney

It’s possible to be approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) without the help of an attorney well-versed in Social Security law, but it can also be difficult.

Approximately two-thirds of all first-time SSDI applicants are denied. The denial rate increases when applications are reconsidered, and the process to overturn a denied claim can be complicated.

The social security attorneys in Virginia at Kalfus & Nachman have the experience to help guide you through the initial application process or help strengthen your case for appeal if your first claim was denied.

SSDI Appeals Process

If you do not fill out your initial SSDI application correctly or lack sufficient documentation to support your claim, you may be denied regardless of the legitimacy of your disability. If you believe your first SSDI claim was wrongfully rejected, there are four levels of appeal:

  • Reconsideration: Your claim will be examined by a new Social Security caseworker, and additional evidence supporting your claim may be submitted
  • Hearing: If you are not approved during Reconsideration, you may request that your application be reviewed by an administrative law judge
  • Appeals Council: If your claim is rejected by the administrative law judge, you can ask for a review by the Social Security Appeals Council; while the council looks at all requests, it may deny your claim if it believes the Hearing decision was just
  • Federal Court: If you believe your claim is valid despite previous denials, you may file a lawsuit in a federal district court

Time is critical in appealing if your initial SSDI application was denied. You have only 60 days to appeal the decision, and the Social Security lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman can help.

How a Social Security Attorney Can Help

Whether you’re preparing your first SSDI application, submitting your claim for Reconsideration or appealing a rejected claim, you have a greater chance of success with the help of a knowledgeable Social Security lawyer.

The social security attorneys in Virginia at Kalfus & Nachman understand the complex SSDI application process and the information necessary to receive approval while maximizing the financial support you need for your condition. We also have a thorough knowledge of the SSDI appeals process and can help you assemble the additional information necessary to bolster your claim if you’ve been denied.

If you live in the Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach or Roanoke, Virginia, areas and need assistance filing your SSDI application or making an SSDI appeal, please contact the social security attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman to schedule a free consultation.