Failure to Pay Overtime

Personal Injury Lawyers

Failure to Pay Overtime

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, workers are considered either “exempt” or “non-exempt” depending on the terms of their employment. Volunteers and independent contractors fall into the exempt category, which means they are not entitled to time-and-a-half pay for overtime hours. Some employers, either because they do not understand the law or intentionally to save money, classify employees who should be non-exempt as volunteers or independent contractors.

It is your relationship with your employer and the terms of your employment that determine if you are an exempt or a non-exempt employee, not what you are called in your employment agreement. If you are currently not being paid overtime to which you are entitled, our experienced Virginia employment lawyers will help you find out if you have a case. We will look at your employment agreement and have you describe your employment relationship to determine if you are exempt or non-exempt. If we find that you are a non-exempt employee who is not being paid correctly, we will fight to ensure that you are paid in full for your overtime hours worked.

Professional Employment Lawyers

The full-service law firm of Kalfus & Nachman has represented clients in Newport News, Roanoke, and Norfolk, Virginia for three decades. In our thirty years of service, we have always strived for excellence, exhibited professionalism, and used our knowledge and experience to successfully defend workers and victims of negligence.

With Kalfus & Nachman on your side, you can rest assured that we will achieve the best possible result for your case, either a generous settlement or a positive court judgment. You can trust us to make sure you receive your hard-earned pay in full because we understand that you work hard every day for your paycheck.

If you believe your employer might owe you unpaid overtime, please contact the Virginia employment lawyers of Kalfus & Nachman for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.

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