Personal Injury Lawyers
Archive for November, 2009
Fatal Auto Accidents
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
There is, perhaps, nothing more tragic and horrifying than losing a loved one in an auto accident, especially at a young age. What can make this already devastating even worse is if the “accident” was caused by someone’s negligence or wrongdoing. A preventable car accident is the one that is most difficult to accept. If your loved one died because of someone’s reckless behavior, then you may need the advice of an experienced accident lawyer. The motor vehicle accident lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman, Attorneys at Law have helped countless Virginia residents recover compensation (and justice) following the loss of a loved one and they can help you, too.
Each year there are thousands of fatalities on our nation’s roadways, and in most of those deaths, driver error was the cause of the accident. Kalfus & Nachman, Attorneys at Law, understand the tragedy of automobile accident, and we are committed to helping people recover the compensation they deserve for their loss.
We are a firm with deep roots in the community and have known many Virginians who have died in auto accidents. We provided professional, personalized, and committed representation that you just will not find elsewhere.
If your family has suffered a loss from a car accident, please contact our Virginia accident lawyers today to schedule a confidential, no-cost consultation so we can hear the details of your case and see how we can help you during this tragic time.
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Rollover Accidents
Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
Of the various types of automobile accidents, rollover accidents often cause very serious persona injuries. SUV’s are notorious for rolling over due to their high center of gravity. Rollover accidents have a number of causes and can affect cars differently depending on their type and without the help of experienced accident lawyers such as the ones at Kalfus & Nachman, Attorneys at Law.
The most common causes of rollover accidents are:
- Turning too sharply
- Turning too fast
- Faulty tires
- Inclement weather causing poor road conditions
- Defective vehicles
- Road defects (potholes, construction issues)
If the vehicle in question has a narrow wheel base, or is top heavy with a high center of gravity, the chances of rollover also increase. Manufacturers who fail to take certain safety precautions to reduce the chances of a rollover accident may liable for their defective product.
Rollover accident injuries are often severe. Traumatic brain injuries are very common in rollover accidents; spinal cord injuries are common, also.
If you live in the Newport News, Norfolk or Roanoke area of Virginia and have been involved in a rollover accident, please contact our office today to schedule a no-cost, confidential consultation.
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Bingeing and driving
Friday, November 6th, 2009
From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Ted Pestorius with HHS HealthBeat reported:
There is a good chance you’ve been driving on the road with binge drinkers who have consumed 10 or more drinks.
A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says more than 1 in 10 people who binged drove during or just after doing so. The CDC compared data from 2003 and 2004 in 18 states. Dr. Robert Brewer says about half of the binge-and-drive crew had been drinking at a bar, club or restaurant. All had at least five rinks, and a quarter had 10 or more.
According to Dr. Brewer it’s not just teens and college students. Driving after binge drinking was actually common across all age groups. And it was actually slightly more common among binge drinkers who were age 55 and older. The study was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
HHS HealthBeat is a production of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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