Personal Injury Lawyers
Archive for March, 2010
WELCOME NARFE to Virginia Beach
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
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Proud Sponsors of the Tru Hope Trailblazers
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
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Highway Fatalities for 2009 are Down to 1954 Low
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
At Kalfus and Nachman we are happy to share encouraging information on our highways:
On March 11, 2024 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced (NHTSA) traffic fatalities for 2009 were at a record low. Highway fatalities are at the lowest level since 1954.
As stated in the Press Release, The projected fatality data for 2009 places the highway death count at 33,963, a drop of 8.9 percent as compared to the 37,261 deaths reported in 2008. The fatality rate for 2009 declined to the lowest on record, to 1.16 fatalities per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) down from 1.25 fatalities per 100 million VMT in 2008. The final counts for 2009 will be made available in the summer of 2010. To view the preliminary fatality statistics visit:
The decline in fatalities is due to several factors; safer road design, seat belt usage, and marketing campaigns dedicated to making our highways safer.
Thanks for continuing to keep our highways safe.
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Reporting Nursing Home Abuse
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010
It is estimated that several hundred thousand elder Americans are abused and/or neglected in our country’s nursing homes and assisted living facilities each year. What is even more disturbing is that many cases of nursing home abuse and neglect go unreported because the victim may fear further abuse or the victim may not be able to communicate to his/her loved ones what is being done to them.
Nursing home abuse and neglect comes in many forms. The most common form is actually financial exploitation of the elderly. Caretakers have been known to withdraw money out of accounts, forge signatures, sell possessions, and change beneficiaries on insurance policies.
Physical abuse is also prevalent. Emotional abuse of the elderly takes the form of taunting, mocking, verbal insults, intimidation and harassment. Some seniors have also suffered various forms of sexual abuse including being photographed against their will, fondled, or even raped.
The shameful epidemic of elder abuse can only be stopped (or at least, minimized) if abuse and neglect are reported. If you fear your loved one may be suffering abuse or neglect in the nursing facility in which he/she lives, there is action you can take. The nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman in the Norfolk and Newport News area of Virginia have handled many of these cases and can help you, too.
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