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Car Accident Attorney
Roanoke, Virginia Auto Accidents Lawyer
Roanoke, Virginia is a unique community. The farthest west of Virginia's cities, the heavy-traffic shipping corridor of I-81 cuts across the northwest of our city. The short major access route I-581 feeds I-81, creating a situation where local traffic and national traffic intersect, creating the possibility for unusual combinations where short-range drivers are combating long-haul trucks and tourist traffic cutting across the state. Although Roanoke drivers are among the safest in the state of Virginia, every year there are thousands of crashes in the city, with hundreds of fatalities and even deaths.
If you were unlucky enough to be involved in one of these car accidents in Roanoke due to the fault of another driver, you need someone on your side who understands how to handle your car accident to protect your rights. The other driver, the other insurance company, even your insurance company are prepared to sacrifice your rights to protect their own, but the personal injury lawyers of Kalfus & Nachmann are prepared to fight for you. To learn more, call 24 hours a day 800 361-0430 or email us today for a free initial consultation.
Your Rights after a Car Accident
If you have been hurt or lost a loved one in a car accident, it is important to know that you have the right to fair compensation. Fair compensation includes:
- The cost of repairing your vehicle to pre-accident condition, or the fair market value of a totaled vehicle
- The value of losing the use of your vehicle
- The cost of all medical bills--past, present, and future--related to the accident
- Lost wages due to the accident
- Compensation for pain, suffering, and emotional hardship
Learn more about your rights after a car accident, and be prepared to fight for them, because after a car accident, you may find yourself without allies.
Who Will Be Your Advocate?
Most people assume that their insurance company will be there for them in the event of a car accident. After all, that's what the commercials say, right? However, you will find that the reality is much different.
Sometimes, insurance companies like to show up early and offer you a statement that may seem generous compared to your short-term expenses, but if you add up the full impact of your accident, the number begins to seem very small. Big insurance companies sometimes think the people of Roanoke can be bought off cheap. And if you attempt to get fair compensation, you will find yourself suddenly embattled by someone you thought was on your side.
Other times, insurance companies like to get together and make deals behind the scenes, deals designed to save them money, but can leave you out to dry, without compensation and suddenly responsible for the other driver's injuries and property damage. They may not even tell you when you have additional coverage that should compensate you and/or the other driver.
If you want to get the compensation you deserve, you need someone on your side. You need a car accident attorney in Roanoke prepared to fight for your rights. Kalfus & Nachmann, Attorneys at Law have represented many of your friends and neighbors in Roanoke and would be honored to stand up for you after your car accident. Please contact us today for a free intitial consultation.