Personal Injury Lawyers
Archive for December, 2009
Questions About Traumatic Brain Injury
Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009
A serious brain injury can change your life and the lives of your loved ones forever. The amount of care that brain-injured children and adults require is tremendous. The financial cost associated with caring for brain injured people can be in the millions.
How common is traumatic brain injury?
According to a report published by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control there are approximately 235,000 serious brain injuries in the United States each year. In Virginia, studies show that one in every 50 people who suffer a traumatic brain injury requires lifelong care.
What are common causes of traumatic brain injury?
Automobile accidents are a common cause as are falls (at construction sites, for instance). Assaults often result in TBI’s as so sports-related activities. Many NFL players have suffered repeated brain injuries, and there is evidence that even a slight concussion can cause damage to the brain.
What are the symptoms of a brain injury?
Brain injuries can be difficult to diagnose and treat because their symptoms mimic other medical problems, and often times, the symptoms of a TBI do not even manifest themselves until well after the incident occurred. Some of the more common symptoms are:
- Headaches
- Confusion
- Visual problems
- Concentration problems
- Memory problems
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Difficulty with verbal control
- Fatigue
Find answers to more questions about traumatic brain injuries.
If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury and you live in or around the Norfolk, Virginia area, please contact the experienced brain injuries attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman, Virginia Attorneys at Law, today.
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Jury Compensates Drunk Driving Victim’s Family $89M
Thursday, December 17th, 2009
Kalfus and Nachman, PC, takes the rights of victims of drunk driving very seriously. We were pleased to see the following results reported for a case in Missouri.
In one of the largest DUI damages verdicts in history, a jury of people just like you and me, compensated the family of a man killed by a drunk driver after carefully considering all the evidence at trial and through deliberation.
The victim, a 28-year-old male, was driving down Missouri Highway 100 with his fiance. The couple were coming back from picking out gifts for their wedding registry at an area mall.
While driving westbound on HWY 100, they were struck head-on by the drunk driver. The decedent was killed instantly. The fiance was knocked unconscious in the collision. When she woke, almost every bone in her face was broken. She was 13 weeks pregnant, so doctors could not administer pain medication until they ran tests to ensure the medication would not harm the fetus. The fiance said at trial that the only thing she remembered after waking up from the crash was hearing one EMT say to the another, “Code him,” meaning the decedent was dead on the scene.
The drunk driver’s deposition testimony, taken from jail, was introduced at trial. Before the crash, he had been involved in an argument with his girlfriend and drove over to his friend’s house, where he stole a bottle of his father’s whiskey. He was driving on a suspended license, and his Blood Alcohol level at the time of the accident was .20, more than twice the legal limit.
The money they determined to be fair for the loss of a human being’s life was $89,000,000. Clearly, the jury wanted to send a message that drunk driving is not to be tolerated. Also, they appear to have found the drunk driver’s apology to be insincere, given what his carelessness and colossal selfishness did to the victims and their families.
Kalfus and Nachman, PC, wants to help you if you have been injured by another’s negligence. Give us a call; the call is free; and let’s see if we can help.
Tags: Drunk Driving
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Early Social Security Disability Benefits
Wednesday, December 16th, 2009
Did you know that if you are injured or ill to the point that you can’t return to work, you may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability benefits? Unfortunately the majority of people who apply for early social security benefits are denied a minimum of two times.
Tags: Social Security Disability
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Embracing the Holiday Spirit
Friday, December 11th, 2009
At the offices of Kalfus and Nachman we are full of holiday spirit. Among the good cheer and well wishing, we are taking time to contribute to causes and our community. Our generous staff is contributing to our employee Toy Drive for The Noblemen. Their donations will help to make Christmas wishes come true for children in Hamptons Roads. Thanks to all our wonderful employees for their contributions. Happy Holidays!
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Working to End Hunger
Friday, December 11th, 2009
For the last five years the staff at Kalfus and Nachman has held an annual food drive for Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia. This year our staff went above beyond collecting 10,234 pounds of non-perishable food - equal to almost 8,000 meals.
At Kalfus and Nachman we are proud of the generosity that each of our employees possess. To read more about our efforts, click here.
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