Dredging Accidents -- Norfolk Maritime Accident Attorneys

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Workers on dredging vessels are often unaware that they are usually covered by the Jones Act as well. This includes the dredge as well as the flotilla of support vessels. Even though dredging operations take place in shallow seas or inland waters and the vessels are not traditional, dredge workers are usually covered by the Jones Act. Working on a dredge is just as dangerous as other maritime occupations.

Dredge workers attempting to loosen blockages in the dredge pipelines often suffer serious hand and arm crushing injuries. We have been able to recover damages for many dredge workers, including payment of medical bills and expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, disability, and other losses when the employer was negligent and/or the vessel unseaworthy. We have also successfully represented workers injured aboard crew boats being transported to and from the dredge.

For help from our Roanoke maritime attorneys, please contact Kalfus & Nachman by calling (800) 361-0430.