Seamen working aboard vessels that travel in international waters, including grain ships, freighters, tankers, etc. are crewed by the traditional blue water seamen. If you are injured aboard a vessel overseas, you need an experienced attorney, such as the attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman, to address the jurisdictional issues and determine the appropriate place to file your claim.
If you are injured aboard a United States government vessel (USNS, USS, CAPE, etc.) special rules apply, including a two-year statute of limitations for filing Suits in Admiralty and Public Vessels Act lawsuits. If you are on a ship operating for the Maritime Administration, there is an even shorter deadline to submit a complicated and mandatory claim before filing suit. The Norfolk maritime injury lawyers at the law firm of Kalfus & Nachman are experienced in handling both private company and government ship claims.
We have been able to recover damages for many blue water seamen, including payment of medical bills and expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, disability, and other losses when the employer was negligent and/or the vessel unseaworthy.
To determine if we can help you with your maritime injury claim, please call Kalfus & Nachman at (800) 361-0430.