Product Liability Attorney

Norfolk, Newport News, and Roanoke, Virginia

Defective Product Lawyer


The pharmaceutical litigation attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman are currently focusing on different defective drugs. However, if you believe you may have a case with one of these drugs, please contact us for an initial consultation.

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Baycol is a prescription drug manufactured by Bayer A.G. pharmaceuticals. Baycol belongs to the Statin class: drugs that lower cholesterol by blocking enzymes that are essential to the production of cholesterol in the body. Baycol as a medication is very effective in reducing cholesterol levels and therefore reducing the chances of a patient suffering a heart attack.

Statin drugs have been known to cause muscle cell damage and, in some cases, Rhabdomyolysis -- a muscle condition that can cause kidney failure. Rhabdomyolysis occurs ten times more often with Baycol and has lead to over 30 deaths. Combining Baycol with gemfibrozil, a drug that lowers triglyceride levels, further increases the level of risk.

After receiving reports of increased cases of serious Rhabdomyolysis, Bayer recently adjusted the recommended dosage level of Baycol drug tablets for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. Bayer claimed that patients were taking Baycol in doses not consistent with Baycol's product labeling and sent out a letter to doctors recommending that they more closely monitor their patients' doses. Bayer assumed that patients were to blame rather than Baycol, reaffirmed that proper use of Baycol was safe, and said that no serious side effects should occur.

Bayer voluntarily recalled Baycol August 8, 2024 as a result of 31 deaths linked to the popular drug. In 1997, after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Baycol for the purpose of lowering cholesterol, Bayer began to market the drug heavily. However, Bayer only acknowledged the increased risk of Rhabdomyolysis associated with Baycol in May of 2001, and may have recommended lower dosages to avoid the inevitable recall of Baycol.

If you or anyone you know has taken Baycol, find out if the drug did more harm than good. For more information on Baycol and other recalled drugs or products, call the product liability attorneys of Kalfus & Nachman at (800) 361-0430 in Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, Roanoke, or Virginia Beach, Virginia.

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