More limitations on cell phone use while driving in VA
Kalfus and Nachman continues to take a strong stand on distracted drivers and today the Virginian Pilot reported that the general assembly made modifications to:
“Three bills to change laws governing the use of cell phones will driving cleared the Senate, a measure to strengthen prohibitions on texting while operating a vehicle.”
Sen. George Barker, D-Fairfax, carried SB 1042, which would remove language from the code that makes texting while driving a secondary offense.
That change would allow police to stop a motorist who is observed sending or reading a text message or e-mail.
A texting ban previously approved by the legislature limited authorities to citing drivers for that offense only if the person had been stopped for another reason.
Barker’s other proposal, SB 1047, makes it a primary offense for teen drivers with provisional licenses to use a cell phone while operating a vehicle. Under current law, that violation is a secondary offense.
Similar legislation died in the House of Delegates last year.
The chamber also approved legislation from Senate Minority Leader Tommy Norment, R-James City, to ban cell phone calls while driving unless the device is configured for hands-free use.” as reported by the Virginian Pilot.
Driving While Talking or Texting on Cell Phones
Two of the most dangerous driver distractions are talking on the cell phone and texting while driving. In 2008, there were approximately 6,000 fatalities and 500,000 injuries in auto accidents caused by distracted drivers. The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that cell phone use was a factor in many of these accidents.
Texting while driving is far more dangerous. When you talk on the cell phone, your eyes are at least on the road. Texting while driving forces you to take your eyes off the road, often for dangerously long periods of time. A recent study on the texting behaviors of truck drivers found that truckers took their eyes off the road for as much as five seconds every time they texted. Driving 60 mph on the highway, five seconds is long enough to cause a serious accident.
The dangers of cell phone use and texting while driving is compounded by the frequency which young, inexperienced drivers engage in these actions. Young drivers are already at a statistically higher risk of getting into an car accident. Cell phone use raises this risk even higher.
Experienced Auto Accident Representation
If you have suffered a serious personal injury in an auto accident caused by a distracted driver, the Virginia auto accident lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman can help you receive the compensation you deserve. We have the skills and experience to battle the insurance companies, and we can help make sure your settlement adequately covers your medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Please contact the Norfolk car accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman today to schedule your free initial consultation. We serve clients in Roanoke, Norfolk, and Newport News, Virginia.
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