Video: How Do I Know If I Have a Viable Dog Bite Case?
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How Do I Know If I Have a Viable Dog Bite Case?

You may have some questions and concerns about a dog bite case you’re involved with and how the law works in the state of Virginia.

Dog bite laws can be different in each state and even your local municipality. For example, did you know that in Virginia there are no such categories or “dangerous” or “vicious” breeds? So just because you or someone you know is bit by one of these breeds doesn’t mean it’s a closed case.

What you really need is to show that the owner was negligent and this caused you harm. Did they know the dog was vicious and prone to biting? Had he bitten someone else before? You can question their pet’s vet or even get information from Animal Control regarding past behavior of the dog. Under Virginia law, each dog is given one “free bite” before other means are taken against the dog. If you can show the owner was negligent, then they can be charged in the lawsuit as causing your injury. Another option is simply talking to their neighbors and even the neighborhood mailmen. These people should absolutely be aware if the dog or the owner has previous issues with dog bites. Once negligence has been proven, your compensation would typically be gained from the dog owner’s homeowner insurance. This insurance will help you in recovery money for lost wages, medical bills, and doctor visits. Unfortunately, most dog bites happen to children as they cannot defend themselves and more injury can occur.