Automobile Insurance During the Pandemic
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Automobile Insurance During the Pandemic

car insurance form with car keys

People are driving less during the pandemic. Many people are working home, kids are remote learning we are having our meals and groceries delivered to the house. Insurance rates are determined by how many miles you drive and how many claims insurance companies pay. Total miles driven during the pandemic have decreased by 40%. Less driving means fewer wrecks which means fewer insurance payouts.

Many people whose budgets have tightened up have either reduced their insurance benefits are behind in their insurance payments.

Two areas of insurance you do not want to decrease, you actually may want to increase. The best part is they are the cheapest parts of your policy!

Uninsured Motorists Coverage and Medical Payments Coverage

Paul will discuss that more people are driving without insurance or with minimum limits of $25k. He will discuss that unless you have sufficient Uninsured motorist’s limits, you may be on the hook for medical bills and lost wages that exceed the wrongdoer’s insurance coverage

You may also want to buy or increase your Medical Payment Coverage.

Medical Payments Coverage is in addition to Liability and Collision which pays for any medical bills you incur as a result of an accident, regardless of fault. Even if you have health insurance, you may have a co-pay or deductible that you must pay. This is where MPC is very helpful.

Paul will offer to answer any viewers' questions about buying insurance by calling the office. (Every time Paul offers to answer questions, people actually call).

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