April 2021 is Distracted Driving Awareness Month Once Again
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April 2021 is Distracted Driving Awareness Month Once Again

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Distracted Driving Awareness Month is back. After the National Safety Council (NSC) postponed the campaign to October 2020 due to COVID-19 lockdowns, it has returned to its usual spot in April for 2020.

There are thousands of distracted driving accidents each year across America. Distracted Driving Awareness Month was designed as a nationwide campaign to bring more attention to the issue and distribute information about how to prevent car accidents caused by distracted motorists. With coronavirus restrictions starting to lift in more places, there are bound to be more drivers on the road than in the same time last year, so there is no more important time than now to review safe ways to stay distraction-free while driving. In fact, the NSC recently reported that there were more traffic fatalities in 2020 per mile driven than there have been in the last 13 years.

“Just Drive”

The National Safety Council is taking a very straightforward approach to Distracted Driving Awareness Month this year. The annual campaign is titled “Just Drive” and it asks drivers to do just that. When you are driving, commit to driving and nothing else. Put down the cellphone, don’t adjust the radio or GPS, and don’t let yourself become too engaged in a conversation with your passengers.

Part of the campaign is also directed at reminding people that safe driving is not something that only drivers of passenger cars have to remember. Commercial and industrial truck drivers, mail couriers, food couriers, and more all have the responsibility to “just drive.”

Kalfus & Nachman Encourage You to Drive Distraction-Free

Here at Kalfus & Nachman PC in Virginia, it is our sincere hope that we see fewer and fewer clients who need our help because a distracted driver crashed into them. If that is going to happen, then everyone needs to observe Distracted Driving Awareness Month not just in April but also every month. We hope you will share this latest blog with your friends, family members, and coworkers to get the word around about safe, responsible driving. If you can stop by our law office, with social distancing mandates followed, of course, then we might be able to give you a keychain, wallet, car charger, or another knickknack as a reminder to never drive while distracted.

Attorney Paul Hernandez has personally helped spread awareness by:

  • Talking to thousands of students about distracted
  • Telling safety tips to the viewers of the Hampton Road Shows
  • Working with EndDD.org and gaining its recognition

Everyone can come together and help stop distracted driving accidents. Let’s make 2021 the safest year yet by pledging to do our parts!

For more information about distracted driving and safe driving habits, visit:

  • NSC.org
  • EndDD.org
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