What are Lifetime Medical Benefits in a Virginia Workers’ Compensation Claim?

What are lifetime medical benefits in a Virginia Workers’ Compensation claim?

Payment of an approved claim

When you are injured in a work-related accident and you file a workers’ compensation claim, there are certain benefits that you may be eligible to receive. One of the benefits is lifetime benefits. In this article we will discuss what lifetime benefits are and what you need to do to ensure you get Lifetime Medical Benefits for your injury. Lifetime benefits are similar to temporary total disability benefits, but without the restriction of 500 weeks’ wages. As an alternative, wages are paid for the length of the injured worker’s life.

When you’re hurt at work, you’re allocated up to 500 weeks of two-thirds your average weekly wage, which is figured by your wages for the last 52 weeks, including bonuses, commission and other similar monetary gains. You’re not guaranteed 500 weeks of your two-thirds wage, but that is the maximum amount of temporary total disability benefits you can get, as long as you are under orders from your doctor not to return to work. But, if it’s determined that you’re unable to return to work, that cap of 500 weeks is increased.

According to Virginia Workers’ Compensation laws, if you lose the use of both hands, both arms, both feet, both legs, both eyes, or have any injury that results in total paralysis or severe brain damage that prevents you from being able to work, you’re eligible for lifetime benefits. Virginia Workers Compensation Commission issues an Award Order that recites that the employer is required to pay your Lifetime Medical Benefits for your approved claim. If you do not obtain such an Award, then you have no right to Lifetime Medical Benefits.

In general, if you lose your ability to work entirely because of an injury you suffered on the job, you could be eligible for lifetime benefits. It’s critical that you speak with a Virginia Workers’ Compensation lawyer who can help you determine whether or not you qualify for work comp claims, and what compensation you may be eligible for your injury.

We’re your Work Comp experts

Have you been injured on the job or contracted an illness due to an unhealthy work environment? If so, then the Norfolk workers’ compensation attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman PC can help you file your lawsuit. There are several laws that can effect on the outcome of your case, so it’s extremely important to have a workers' comp lawyer on your side to assist you through the entire process. Get help with your workers’ compensation lawsuit. We specialize in workers’ compensation and help employees who have been injured within the State of Virginia. Contact us today by calling (855) 880-8163.

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