If a Government Shutdown Happens Again, How Will This Affect My Social Security Disability Benefits?
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If a Government Shutdown Happens Again, How Will This Affect My Social Security Disability Benefits?

In regards to the government shutdown in recent history, many people receiving benefits or looking to get on benefits under Social Security Disability have pressing questions how about how their benefits may be effected if a shutdown should occur again.

If you are already getting Social Security Disability benefits, any future shutdown will (hopefully) have little impact on your continuing benefits. You will still be able to receive your monthly check and you will still have your Medicare and Medicaid benefits. However, if you wish to make any changes to your benefits you may find it difficult to do so as the Social Security workforce will probably be reduced during a shutdown,

If you are beginning a new claim or have a pending claim, you might have to wait a bit longer your case to get through the application and a adjudication process. You can still apply for benefits for the first time or appeal your decisions. However, the actual processing of applications and appeals will be slowed down due to the shutdown. We advise you to continue the process of your application and appeal because failure to submit these forms on a timely manner may cause a negative outcome to your claim.

Disability claims that are currently pending will continue to be processed by the Social Security Office, just at snail’s pace due to staffing shortages. If your hearing has already been scheduled, your hearing will continue without interruption. The painful impact of the shutdown will last long after funding for the government resumes. Typically, when people talk about the cost of the government shutdown, they focus on things like unpaid federal workers, the closure of US parks, and TSA workers who walk off the job and leave our airport security compromised. These are all important. However, the secondary damage is even more widespread and often goes unreported.

How our experience disability attorneys can help

At Kalfus & Nachman PC, we've helped hundreds of people get the disability help they are entitled to. The process of applying for early Social Security Disability benefits can be long and frustrating. Without legal help, it can take up to 2 ½ years to get benefits. Hiring Kalfus & Nachman PC to help you receive these benefits can significantly lessen this waiting period. We have solid experience and understand complicated federal regulations governing Social Security Disability claims. We'll help you get through the system to get the benefits you need. Call us today!

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